all dressed up and nowhere to go

Farrells outing


With every postpartum recovery around 6/7 weeks I start to get homesick. Not the homesick like in I miss my house but homesick like I feel trapped in my house and need an out. I start to get bored, as if I should ever be bored with 3 kids, but I do. I feel a need to be in environments with people over the age of 3. This postpartum hasn’t been much different. Currently I feel the need to plan vacations, take random meaningless drives around the neighborhood and make random target trips… but all with my kiddos in tow. Is it just me? Do you mamas have the same desire around the 6/7 week postpartum recovery?

Thank God for my husband. He totally gets me and understands my need for spontaneity and the need to be outdoors. Even if outdoors means a trip to the ice cream restaurant Ferrell’s. This was our first trip out of the house as a family of 5 + my beautiful niece, who without I probably would’ve lost my mind by now. I’ll get everything in order and on a routine soon but currently getting out is a work in progress.


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Ferrell’s was amazing! Have you tried Ferrell’s? We indulged in burgers, chili dogs, pizza and of course ice cream sundaes. Perfect for the mama who needs an outing that the kids will love. Heres to many more fun, spontaneous and wild outings with these beautiful souls of mine. Heres to being a family of five!!!

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